Find hidden truths by using video recording and biometrics

Using video recordings and biometrics in user testing offers invaluable insights into user behaviour, emotional responses, and engagement, enabling more accurate and data-driven design improvements.

These tools provide an in-depth understanding of user interactions, going beyond self-reported feedback to reveal subconscious reactions and preferences for a truly user-centric prototype.

Use of video recording and biometrics for user testing

Video recording:

Capture users' interactions with the product on video to analyze their behavior, identify pain points and observe how they use the product in real-time.

a.       Set up cameras:

Position cameras in a way that captures users' interactions with the chair from multiple angles, ensuring that key elements such as seat height adjustment, reclining, and armrest use are visible.

b.       Record sessions:

Obtain consent from participants and record their hands-on testing sessions. Encourage users to think aloud as they interact with the chair to capture their thought process and immediate reactions.

c.       Analyze footage:

Review the video footage to identify patterns, user difficulties, and moments of satisfaction or frustration. This analysis can reveal areas for improvement or confirm the effectiveness of specific features.

Facial expression analysis:

Use iMotions facial expression software to evaluate users' facial expressions during testing, revealing their emotional responses to the product.

a.       Set up iMotions:

Install and configure the iMotions software, ensuring that it is compatible with your video recording equipment.

b.       Capture facial expressions:

Ensure that video recordings capture participants' faces clearly during testing. Alternatively, set up an additional camera focused on the user's face.

c.       Analyze expressions:

Use iMotions software to automatically analyze facial expressions throughout the testing session, detecting emotions such as happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, and more. This analysis can provide insights into users' emotional reactions to various aspects of the chair.

d.       Correlate findings:

Combine findings from iMotions facial expression analysis with other data collected during testing, such as hands-on observations, interviews, and surveys, to develop a comprehensive understanding of user experiences and preferences.


Additional user-testing and biometric methods:


Monitor users' eye movements while interacting with the product to understand where their attention is focused and identify areas of interest or confusion.

a.       Select an eye-tracking device:

Choose a suitable eye-tracking device, such as Tobii, that can capture users' gaze patterns during testing.

b.       Set up and calibrate the device:

Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to set up and calibrate the eye-tracking device for each participant.

c.       Analyze gaze data:

Review the eye-tracking data to identify areas where users consistently focus their attention or exhibit confusion. This information can help inform design improvements, such as labeling, positioning, or usability.


Galvanic skin response (GSR) measurement:

Assess users' physiological arousal levels during testing by measuring changes in their skin conductance, which can indicate emotional reactions such as excitement, stress, or frustration.

a.       Obtain a GSR device:

Select a GSR device, such as an Empatica E4 wristband or Shimmer GSR sensor, that can record skin conductance data during testing.

b.       Attach the device to the participant:

Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to correctly position the GSR device on the participant's skin, typically on the fingers or wrist.

c.       Analyze GSR data:

Review the GSR data to identify moments of increased or decreased arousal, which may correspond to specific product features or interactions. This information can help uncover potential issues or areas of user satisfaction.

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